
Athlete Society 代表理事/元陸上選手
1978年広島県生まれ。スプリント種目の世界大会で日本人として初のメダル獲得者。男子400メートルハードルの日本記録保持者(2020年5月現在)。現在はアジアのアスリートを育成・支援する一般社団法人アスリートソサエティの代表理事を務める。新豊洲Brillia ランニングスタジアム館長。主な著作に『Winning Alone』『走る哲学』『諦める力』など。
Representative Director, Athlete Society
Born in 1978 in Hiroshima, Dai is the first Japanese medalist in a world competition for a sprint event. He also participated in three Olympics and holds the Japanese record for men’s 400m hurdles (as of May 2020). Dai currently serves as Representative Director of the General Incorporated Association Athlete Society, which aims to support Athletes in Asia.
He is also the Director of Shin-toyosu Brillia Running Stadium, and the author of “Winning Alone” “The Philosophy of Running” “The Strength to Give Up,” among other titles.

残念ながら、スポーツって単独では何の課題も解決しません。でもスポーツには善でも悪でもない大きな威力があるんです。一方、「世界が一つになって何をやるんでしたっけ?」っていうのがいまオリンピックに対して感じている疑問点。「今後、オリンピックがもうちょっと具体的な社会課題にコミットする可能性があるかもしれない」、「スポーツ×○〇」のように掛け合わさったときの力に可能性を感じ、ワンアスリートワンイシュー*1 という活動を行っています。
実際にアスリートと気候変動の接点は薄い。しかし、気候変動の問題は長期的スパンで考えなくてはならないスポーツ指導者*2 の課題と重なります。指導者になって、指導者が選手を教えて、それがまた指導者になって教えて…って、これがたぶん三周ぐらいしないとスポーツの文化ってできない。気候変動に関する活動には世代を重ねて文化を根付かせること、見えている風景は絶対ではなくて変わり得るんだという前向きな諸行無常の意識で社会を構築していくことが必要なんだと思います。
(取材日 2020 年2 月5 日)
- 一人のアスリートが一つの社会課題を掲げて啓発などに取り組むプロジェクト。
- アジアのアスリートを支援する活動を行っている。対象国はブータン、ネパール、ラオス、スリランカ、カンボジアなど。長期的に、各国に陸上競技(スポーツ)を文化として根付かせることを目指す。


Power of sports
Unfortunately, sports on its own does not solve any problems.
Nor, does it represent good and evil. But sports has great power to encourage people. On the other hand, I am faced with one big question, “What are we going to do to be globally united through the Oympics?”
We are conducting an activity called “ONE ATHLETE ONE ISSUE.”
We feel a possibility that the Olympics may commit to more specific social issues in the near future when we collaborate with an activity under the theme of “Sports X ○○.”
What does climate change mean to you?
“Climate change” is a challenging issue, but the whole world can be united on a global scale. Actually, athlete Olympians have little contact with climate change. But the issue of climate change overlaps with the challenges of sports leaders that must be tackled in the long run. When one becomes a coach, the coach will teach the athlete students, and the athlete students will be the future coaches again, and so on. Probably about three laps of this cycle are needed to make up the culture of sports.
For activities related to climate change, it is necessary to build cultures through life for generations, and to build senses that the scenery you see is changeable, not absolute, having a positive sense and outlook that “all things are fluid and nothing is permanent.”
Messages to young people
“We don’t know who has what kind of talent, but I feel that any kind of dreams each of them has in their deep mind can make a huge difference.”
I want young people to assert themselves, not what society demands for, and become what they want to be.
(Date of Interview February 5, 2020)

"Katoatau fails his last weightlifting attempt but celebrates with a dance"
1984年キリバス共和国生まれ。2000年から重量挙げを始め、2008年の北京五輪にキリバス人として初めて重量挙げ競技に出場。 2014年のグラスゴー英連邦大会で、キリバス史上初の国際大会における金メダルを獲得し、キリバス政府から勲章を受ける。気候変動問題にも大きな関心を寄せており、2016年のリオ五輪では気候変動によるキリバスの危機を伝えるため、競技後にダンスを披露し世界の注目を浴びた。
Born in 1984 in the Republic of Kiribati. He began weightlifting in 2000 and became the first Kiribati to compete in weightlifting at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. At the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games, he became the first Kiribati ever to win a gold medal in an international competition and was decorated by the Kiribati government. He has also taken a big interest in climate change issues, and at the 2016 Rio Olympics, he captured international spotlight by performing a routine dance right after his competition to appeal and raise awareness about the crisis in Kiribati caused by climate change.

大量のCO₂排出により引き起こされる気候変動は、我が国キリバスの存亡の危機だけではなく、世界中で様々な災害を引き起こしています。日本でも様々な今まで経験の無いような災害が起こっていると聞いています。そしてこの問題は日本のような先進国が引き起こしているのです。私たちではありません。 先進国にお願いしたいのは、パリ協定に基づいて温室効果ガスの排出を最大限減らしてほしいのです。解決策はあります。私たちの未来は太陽光や風力、水力などの再生可能エネルギーで100%賄えるはずです。残された時間は少なくなってきています。理解を示す政治家は増えてきているようですが、全員がその理解を持ってほしい、そして一刻も早く世界が100%再生可能エネルギーに移行することを願っています。
(2020 年2月)


Have there been times when climate change has affected your training as a weightlifter?
A : Yes, there were many instances of that. Not only training but also my daily life was significantly affected. I have returned to Kiribati and live at the north edge of Buota in North Tarawa. The salinity of the water of a well in my house has gone up, making it unusable. Nowadays, the property is frequently flooded with saltwater. When saltwater floods in, it percolates into the ground and raises the salinity of the well water. Because of this, I have to go far away to get water to drink and use for everyday living. It’s very inconvenient, and it takes time away from my training. A concrete seawall to protect the property would solve this issue, but its cost would be far more than what I can afford. I would be grateful if somebody in Japan could help me with this.
The main cause of climate change is believed to be the enormous amounts of CO₂ emissions resulting from the comfortable lifestyles that people in developed nations, such as Japan, enjoy.
Please share with us your message to the developed nations.
A : Climate change, caused by enormous amounts of CO₂ emissions, has engendered not only a crisis that threatens the existence of my country Kiribati, but also various other disasters around the world.
I hear that disasters that no one has experienced in the past are occurring in Japan as well; and this issue is being caused by developed nations, such as Japan—not us.
I ask the developed nations to reduce greenhouse gas emission to the maximum extent possible in accordance with the Paris Agreement. Renewable energies such as solar, wind, and hydropower should be sufficient to sustain our future. There is limited time left. An increasing number of politicians have shown understanding. However, I wish all of them to have that understanding. Better still, I wish that the entire world will completely shift to the use of renewable energy as soon as possible.
Is your economy more important than our lives?
(February , 2020)
Sports for Climate Action
"Sports for Climate Action"