
Nov 25th (Sun) Educators’ Summit for SDGs 4.7 2018-For fostering our Global Citizenship-

Educators’ Summit for SDGs 4.7 2018-For fostering our Global Citizenship-
We think together what we can do through education to achive SDGs.
November 25th Sunday, 13:00~18:00 Party 18:30~20:30
Free of charge (Party 3500yen, student 2500yen)
Place:University of Sacred Heart 4th Bldg, Global Plaza
4 minutes walk from Metro Hibiya line, Hiroo Station
Spnsored: GiFT
Co-sponsored:MEXT, SHISF
Cooperation:Keio University KMD

For details,click here.Educators’ Summit for SDGs4.7 2018_チラシ20181102 (1)