
2/21 (Thur) Round Table Talks: Hunter-Gatherers of the World Now

There are currently around 40 Hunter-gatherers race remaining in the world.
At this round table talks, we invite Mr. Cain Fukman, a tribal chief of Mamanuwa, the oldest indigenous peoples of the Philippines, and Mr.Larry Dilo of St.Paul University.
We will talk about the circumstances surrounded.

Chairman:Keiichi Omoto (Emeritus professor of Tokyo University, President of Hunter-Gathers Research)
Speaker:Yugo Tomonaga (Associate professor of Ryukoku University)
Tomoaki Nishihara (Director of the Japan Africa Council)
Special Guest:Larry Dilo (Professor of St.Paul University)
Cain Fukman (Chief of Mamanuwa)

Date:February 21st, Thursday 14:00~17:00
Venue:University of the Sacred Heart 4th Bldg, Global Plaza BE*hive
Fee:free of charge
Registration here
