
BE*hive-”Our Actions” section

In this column, we will introduce several BE * hive exhibitions. This time we will introduce the “Our Actions” section.


By looking at the BE * hive exhibition, you can learn about the various problems occurring in the world, and through critical thinking activities, you can think about what actions each of us can take. The main exhibit details the activities of SHRET (Sacred Heart Refugee Education Trust), a student group focusing on refugee support, organized by Sacred Heart University. Understanding the situation of refugees became one of SHRET’s missions from 2002, when the Secretary General of the Refugee Education Foundation came to Japan.In addition to study group activities to learn about refugee problems, SHRET members have interviews with refugee support groups, as well as perform activities such as language support and the exchange of information within the community regarding the welfare of refugees living in Japan.

In addition, there are books on refugee problems and PCs available. The majority of books are written by Sadako Ogata who was the eighth representative for UNHCR, and also a graduate of our university. You can also find event information here.


There is also a space where you can freely examine topics that you wish to know more about, by looking at the exhibits or reading books on themes you have an interest in.


Beside the “Hope of the Tree”, you can see BE * hive exhibitions, write about topics which you wish to know more about, and think about what you want to do in the future.


The clue for solving problems happening around the world is there to each of us to solve. From the activities of SHRET students, what kind of actions would you choose to take?


Next time we will introduce the “Nowhere People : The World’s Stateless” section. Please look forward to it!


(Written by staff member, Yukiko Iwaoka)