40代、取締役 山本みどりさんCareer introduction. Midori Yamamoto, 40s, President.
She is currently in her 40s and is working as the director of a human resources education company. Upon graduating from university, she joined the company as a general employee and was assigned to the human resources department. During her 5th year, the company integrated general and regular employees, and they all become regular employees. Assigned to employee recruitment, education, and training, she became a director after serving as a section chief in her mid-30s and a department manager in her early 40s.
Young women seem to feel uncomfortable with trying out new things. Everything is possible, so why not give it a try? Let’s be pioneers and play an active role in society!
Many junior women say, “I cannot. I have no confidence,” even though they are very much capable. Is this because they need further encouragement? However, that would make you a “troublesome person.” Don’t worry too much, you will gain more confidence as you work.
When I was younger, I did not directly deal with complaints because I was a woman. The complaints usually reached me after being filtered through my bosses, so they were already solved when I noticed them. This was the big wall for me. When I was about 27 years old, I came across the phrase “I can work = problem-solving ability and coordination ability.” It is safe and easy to be protected, but this phrase taught me that it does not help my own growth and career achievement.
I got married in my late 20s. However, I didn’t consider quitting because I found my job interesting, and I enjoyed working Work allows me to do things that I could not achieve on my own. My very first boss told me, “You belong here. Feel free to express your opinions.” There were a lot of senior women who helped me as well.
After becoming a section chief, I learned the value of the training subordinates, and it became easier for me to interact with my boss. I never felt uncomfortable as a manager. It is crucial to work happily so that my juniors will follow. Your position will make you grow. Please grab.
50代、生産部門部長職 柏原恭子さんCareer introduction. Kyoko Kashiwabara, 50s, Production department manager.
She is currently in her 50s and is working as the general manager of a food manufacturing production department. After graduating from university, she worked in a sales position at a food manufacturer, and moved due to marriage. She then became a full-time housewife but returned to work as a temporary worker. After working for an insurance company, foreign-affiliated manufacturer, etc., as a full-time employee,she eventually got a job at her current company. She became the first female section chief in the production department.
It is unfortunate that some women choose not to challenge themselves because they think that they are incapable of performing like their male bosses. Everyone has their own areas of expertise. As a manager, you can work in your own way to maximize your personal strengths. I realized that it will be possible to achieve different results by aiming for a higher position.
自分の強みは、まずやってみる、という姿勢だと思う。妊娠、出産、子育て、転勤… 女性ならではの不安を持つ人は多いと思いますが、やりたいことがあるなら、まずやってみることが大事。やってみて、ダメだったらまた考えればいい。
I think my strength is my openness to try new things. Many women have anxiety about matters such as pregnancy, giving birth, child-rearing, and job transfers. However, if you want to aim for something, it is important to overcome these worries. Just try it. If it does not work out for you, then consider other possibilities.
Be mindful of unconscious bias.Some male bosses reduce the tasks for female workers due to gender bias, thus depriving their chances for promotion. When I became the chief, some people gave me a warm welcome, but some did not because they were skeptical. Currently, female managers are becoming more common. The fact that one’s gender has nothing to do with being a manager will continue to spread by promoting diversity.
Careers generally stretch out for many years. There are good times and bad times. Depending on one’s abilities, motivation, and environment at the time, one’s career trajectory can go either way. You can slow down. It may be necessary to pause and reflect on how to go forward if there are obstacles to overcome. I want young people to believe in their own potential and boldly take on challenges.
40代、管理部門の課長職 福田絵未さんCareer introduction Emi Fukuda, 40s, Management department chief.

国内事業の事業管理のキャリアを皮切りに、2度の海外駐在、約10年間の商品企画経験をへて、現在は数千億の所有資産を管理するアセットマネジメント部門 課長職
Starting with a career in the management of a domestic business, she has been stationed overseas twice, and has about 10 years of product planning experience. She is now a manager of the asset management department that worth hundreds of billions of yen.
Embrace the uncertainty of the future I want you to know the excitement of riding on the wave of life. Do not stay in the limited small world in your mind, and always look forward. By doing so, you will subconsciously escape this restrictive mindset.
First, take a positive view of what is in front of you. What should you do if unpleasant things and relationships suddenly appear in front of you? If you do not run away from them, you could instead gain something from them. The people around us evaluate us based on the little things… things that are rather trivial. However, this could lead to unexpected opportunities, which could be helpful to one’s career, and add to the joy of life.
I first heard about being stationed overseas when I was recommended as a candidate by human resources. However, it didn’t materialize because some executives were reluctant to assign a woman for the position. I was selected from the second candidate site and was the first female appointee. By the following year, half of the positions were occupied by women. As a woman in a patriarchal society, you may subconsciously limit yourself. However, a few women can break through this wall, then there will be many others who will follow.
My range of responsibilities expanded in many ways after becoming a manager. I can manage my time more freely, designate and make suggestions, set goals and policies of departments, and introduce new projects on a large scale. When I became chief, there weren’t many female chiefs in the company. However, many people encouraged and supported me. I would not be where I am today in my career without the help of other people. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who supported me.